Who else doesn’t give a stuff about their shirt?

Who else doesn’t give a stuff about their shirt?

It’s just something us guys need to do. But it doesn’t mean we like it.

We’d much rather walk around in a singlet, tracky dacks and runners all day.

Not constantly adjusting collar and worrying about our sweaty pits in a tight, hot, uncomfortable shirt.

Does a shirt really matter?

All that first impression gibberish:

You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.

A well dressed man is the best accessory a woman can have.

Dressing well being a form of good manners, according to Tom Ford.

Yada yada yada.

Someone give me a no fuss shirt please!!!

If we have to wear a damn shirt. Please don’t make us:

Wash it

Iron it

Hang it pedantically.

Scrub burger juice stains off it like our life depends on it.

There’s more to life than a shirt

Hell yeah!

Like playing golf with the boys.

Taking the kids to cricket.

Learning what makes a good brew.

Figuring out how to keep our better halves happy (happy wife happy life apparently, though we know that’s not quite true).

In short: Life is too short to waste it thinking about shirts.

But I still need to look good, society tells me.

So go on, just give me a low fuss shirt  that never goes out of style and get on with it.

I’m out for drinks with the boys tonight.
